Who Still Buys Wite-Out, and Why?
Correction fluids have improbably outlasted the typewriter and survived the rise of the digital office.
Christmastime is when the pens in my house get their biggest workout of the year. Like many Americans above grammar-school age, I seldom write by hand anymore, outside of barely legible grocery lists. But the end of the year brings out a slew of opportunities for penmanship: adding notes to holiday cards to old friends, addressing them, and then doing the same with thank-you notes after Christmas. And given how little I write in the other 11 months of the year, that means there are a lot of errors, which in turn spur a new connection with another old friend: Wite-Out.
More: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/who-still-buys-wite-out-and-why?utm_source=pocket-newtab